Professor Harry Hemingway (UCL)
Professor Adam Timmis (QMUL)
Upgrade Examiner
Professor Chris Gale (University of Leeds)
Viva Voce Examiners
Professor Nishi Chaturvedi (UCL)
Dr John Robson (QMUL)
1. Temporal trends in quality of care in CALIBER’s incident T2D cohort
2. Factors associated with achieving intermediate outcome targets for glycaemia, blood pressure and lipid
3. Attainment of intermediate outcome targets and initial presentations of cardiovascular diseases
4. Exploration of repeat HbA1c measures as a longitudinal metric for glycaemic control
5. Repeated measures of HbA1c, duration at glycaemic control and cardiovascular outcomes
6. Microvascular diseases in CALIBER: phenotyping and validation
7. Repeated measures of HbA1c, duration at glycaemic control and microvascular outcomes